Improving an internal CRM dashboard for Haven’s customer support team

Haven Technologies Internship (2022)

Improving an internal CRM dashboard for Haven’s customer support team

Haven Technologies Internship (2022)

Improving an internal CRM dashboard for Haven’s customer support team

Haven Technologies Internship (2022)

During the summer of 2022, I interned as a Product Design Intern at Haven Technologies, a SaaS provider offering life, annuity, and disability insurance.

As part of my internship, I collaborated with three product teams on a rotational basis, including the design system team. My final intern project involved improving 'Radmin,' an internal CRM dashboard used by Haven's customer support team. With Radmin, users can access details about customers and their policies.


During the summer of 2022, I interned as a Product Design Intern at Haven Technologies, a SaaS provider offering life, annuity, and disability insurance.

As part of my internship, I collaborated with three product teams on a rotational basis, including the design system team. My final intern project involved improving 'Radmin,' an internal CRM dashboard used by Haven's customer support team. With Radmin, users can access details about customers and their policies.


During the summer of 2022, I interned as a Product Design Intern at Haven Technologies, a SaaS provider offering life, annuity, and disability insurance.

As part of my internship, I collaborated with three product teams on a rotational basis, including the design system team. My final intern project involved improving 'Radmin,' an internal CRM dashboard used by Haven's customer support team. With Radmin, users can access details about customers and their policies.

My Role

Product Design Intern

The Team

1 Designer, 1 Developer


UX Design, User Research, Prototyping, Usability Testing


July - August 2022 (5 weeks)

My Role

Product Design Intern

The Team

1 Designer, 1 Developer


UX Design, User Research, Prototyping, Usability Testing


July - August 2022 (5 weeks)

My Role

Product Design Intern

The Team

1 Designer, 1 Developer


UX Design, User Research, Prototyping, Usability Testing


July - August 2022 (5 weeks)

The Problem

The Radmin dashboard starts as a blank slate and only populates data after a user query. This initial emptiness presents a missed opportunity to immediately provide customer service representatives with valuable information.


Search performed

The Challenge

How might we provide an efficient way for customer service teams to find what they are looking for?

User Interviews

I conducted interviews with two users from the customer support team, observing their navigation patterns and identifying pain points with the Radmin Search Page. I also collected their explicit suggestions for improvement.

Key Insights:

  1. Instant Data Access

The lack of immediate context on the initial empty search page was inefficient.

  1. Early Identification

Users needed a way to quickly identify applications with potential issues and suggested upfront indicators to flag these concerns proactively.

  1. Filtering Options

There was a strong demand for improved filtering and security features to help representatives quickly narrow down search results.

User Persona

From these insights, I developed a persona, Alex, who represents the typical frustrations and needs of the customer support team.

HMW Questions and Solution Goals

Based on the persona and user feedback, I formulated several "How Might We" questions to guide the redesign:

  1. How might we optimize the search page to immediately display relevant customer data and streamline response times?

  2. How might we enhance the dashboard's filters to quickly identify and manage specific application issues?

  3. How might we integrate alerts and indicators to preemptively address customer issues?

My goal was to maintain platform cohesion, ensuring that any new designs were intuitive and leveraged the existing design system components.

User Flow

I brainstormed potential workflows for the revamped search page, focusing on integrating new features that directly addressed the users' pain points.


New Features

Initial Iteration

I then developed initial design iterations that incorporated the users' needs.

Key Features:

  • Quick Access to Recent Searches: Users can now easily view recent applications they've searched, including those marked with hold statuses.

  • Prominent Security Icons: Applications requiring extra security measures or restricted self-service are indicated with icons.

  • Enhanced Filters: Users are able to refine search results by status, state, and product type.

User Testing and Feedback

User testing involved having Madison and Nila interact with an initial prototype. I also collaborated with a developer and another designer to ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of the new features.

The feedback led to several design modifications and confirmations:

  • Security Icon: Removed due to feasibility concerns.

  • Search Enhancements: Direct search capabilities by state and product were introduced, simplifying the user journey.

  • Recent Applications: Confirmed to display the most recently searched applications.

  • Hold Indicator: Defined a 'hold' status to indicate applications requiring ID verification.

  • Navigation Tab: Implemented two tabs— one for recent applications and another for general search—due to technical limitations.

Final Design

After several iterations informed by feedback from both users and developers, I developed a high-fidelity prototype that showcases the new features.

Homepage Enhancements

The homepage now actively displays recently searched applications. Additionally, users can refine their searches using filters for state and channel.

Automatic Search Transition

When a user makes a search, the interface automatically transitions to the search tab.




Design Meets Development

Working with a developer showed me how crucial it is to balance creative designs with practical constraints. I realized that technical limits often shape what features we can actually implement. Even if the solution isn't perfect, it's all about delivering the best possible outcome for users within those boundaries.

Check out my other projects! ↓

  1. Instant Data Access

Users found the initial empty search page inefficient, it lacked immediate context and required additional steps to access relevant information.

  1. Early Identification

The inability to see applications with potential issues, like ID holds, was a concern. Users advocated for upfront indicators to flag and address these proactively.

  1. Overwhelming

Customer representatives expressed a need for enhanced filtering and security options to quickly and accurately narrow down search results when helping a customer.

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