Designing a feature that allows users to customize their recommendations on Max

Warner Bros. Discovery Internship

Designing a feature that allows users to customize their recommendations on Max

Warner Bros. Discovery Internship

Designing a feature that allows users to customize their recommendations on Max

Warner Bros. Discovery Internship

During the summer of 2023, I worked as a Product Design Intern at Warner Bros. Discovery on the Data Expression team for the streaming app, Max. The Data Expression team focuses on improving and scaling ML-driven conversational technologies to ensure they remain user-friendly.


During the summer of 2023, I worked as a Product Design Intern at Warner Bros. Discovery on the Data Expression team for the streaming app, Max. The Data Expression team focuses on improving and scaling ML-driven conversational technologies to ensure they remain user-friendly.


During the summer of 2023, I worked as a Product Design Intern at Warner Bros. Discovery on the Data Expression team for the streaming app, Max. The Data Expression team focuses on improving and scaling ML-driven conversational technologies to ensure they remain user-friendly.

My Role

Product Design Intern

The Team

2 Designers, 1 Product Manager, 1 UX Writer


UX Design, Prototyping, Research


June - August 2023(12 weeks)

My Role

Product Design Intern

The Team

2 Designers, 1 Product Manager, 1 UX Writer


UX Design, Prototyping, Research


June - August 2023(12 weeks)

My Role

Product Design Intern

The Team

2 Designers, 1 Product Manager, 1 UX Writer


UX Design, Prototyping, Research


June - August 2023(12 weeks)


Customers on Max often see recommendations that do not align with their tastes and lack understanding of why certain titles are suggested to them.

The goal was to explore how the removal of titles from the ‘For You’ rail could be used as a signal to tailor user recommendations better.

'For You' Rail

'For You' Rail


When For You isn’t perceived as for me, the trust of the recommendations fades. It feels less personalized, more robotic, and the catalog is perceived as limited. Users don’t feel like our app is designed with them in mind.

The Vision

Give users control over their personalized experience by allowing them to flag or remove content that is not relevant. This would make recommendations feel less robotic and more tailored, enhancing user engagement and trust.

How might we use the ‘removal’ of titles from the For You rail as a signal for better recommendations? What might that look in the product?  

Give users control over their personalized experience by allowing them to flag or remove content that is not relevant. This would make recommendations feel less robotic and more tailored, enhancing user engagement and trust.

How might we use the ‘removal’ of titles from the For You rail as a signal for better recommendations? What might that look in the product?  

Give users control over their personalized experience by allowing them to flag or remove content that is not relevant. This would make recommendations feel less robotic and more tailored, enhancing user engagement and trust.

How might we use the ‘removal’ of titles from the For You rail as a signal for better recommendations? What might that look in the product?  

The User

Though we want to consider all users, we focused on the goals and needs of one target user:

The Optimizer

Goal: Find enjoyable content with minimal effort.

Behavior: Seeks familiar connections, rarely scrolls, and needs to understand why content is recommended.

Needs: Consistent organization and clear rationale behind recommendations.

Competitive Analysis

I examined competitors and other algorithmic platforms to understand how they allow users to control their recommendations.

Identified areas of opportunity:

  1. Collect user feedback on why they want to remove a title.

  2. Communicate the impact of removal on titles and recommendations.

  3. Provide an undo option to prevent errors.

  4. Explore various ways to display confirmation messages.

Design Process

Step 1: Identify Open Questions

How is content currently removed from ‘Continue Watching’ and ‘My List’ on Max? What are the existing designs for these features?

Step 2: Create User Flow and Wireframes

I then developed wireframes and user flows with a mobile-first approach for removing titles from the ‘For You’ rail. I also collaborated with a data scientist to interpret the removal signals and a UX writer for copy.

Step 3: Prototype Development

I created prototypes in Figma for mobile and web. The solutions explored categorized into two flows: with and without a ‘Tell Us Why’ survey.

Recommended Solutions

Dimmed Tile with Undo Action
(No ‘Tell Us Why’ Survey)

Allows users to hide content without detailed feedback, minimizing disruption.

Dimmed Tile with Undo Action
(‘Tell Us Why’ Survey)

Collects detailed feedback with minimal disruption.

Next Steps
  1. Test Prototypes: Conduct user testing on prototypes with and without the 'Tell Us Why' survey to gather feedback on user experience and preference.

  2. Develop High-Fidelity Designs: Create high-fidelity designs for the selected solutions, ensuring they align with the overall design language and provide a polished, user-friendly interface.

  3. Synthesize Feedback: Collect and analyze feedback from user testing and stakeholder reviews to identify areas for improvement.

  4. Iterate on Designs: Make necessary adjustments based on feedback and further refine the designs to enhance usability and effectiveness.

  5. Prepare for Development: Collaborate with engineering and data science teams to prepare the final designs for implementation, including creating detailed specifications and documentation.


Embracing Discomfort for Growth

Stepping out of my comfort zone has been crucial for self-growth. Whether it was initiating coffee chats with my team or presenting my work to a large audience of stakeholders, this internship has emphasized the importance of embracing discomfort for personal and professional development.

Collaborative Learning

Embracing a low-ego, high-curiosity approach was crucial during my internship. This project taught me the importance of incorporating feedback from all stakeholders—both designers and non-designers.

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